Pay-Me - A Community Refined Quiz game network which has lucrative qualities.
The Blockchain system is trying to redefine the gaming industries by completely transforming them into potential economic sectors, especially due to the integration of the Play-to-earn mechanism into different gaming networks. The financial mechanisms like NFTs are playing an important role by utilising the majority of the gaming platforms around the world, of which the Payme platform is one of them.
The Pay-Me game system was then introduced to make crypto-earnings more accessible while also providing people with the fun of answering various questions. We will discuss the platform features and its ecosystem in this review.
Pay-Me network game can be described as a truly Decentralized gaming system which is looking to take advantage of the chain network technology while developing a fantastic community or spectrum for every type of user in order to maximize the visibility of the real world market. The Pay-Me network game has already sustained its name as a prominent figure in the vast Decentralized spectrum. The services rendered here are basically learning routines which increases the users intellectual capabilities while providing rewards for successfully answering the questions. The world's economic system these days is really dissipating the opportunity for individuals to make money. But with Pay-Me gaming network, these issues are completely eliminated as it follows the amazing Play2earn function (which is amazing Functionality that allows users to want cyber assets when playing a game). The platform also has a token with an amazing architectural system, and that token is known generally to be the PayMe token.
Advantages of the platform's token assets
● The payME cyber token is an amazing asset fueled by the Binance SmartChain system, which is known for ensuring minimal latency with large capacity.
● The payME token is a cyber gaming asset which will enable a lot of great profits for the platform's Community quizzers.
● This Trivia quizzing network has been known to have more than 5000 quizzers who have officially registered.
In order To enable enough supply for liquidity of these assets to Community members, the payME based Token has been placed to have a total supply of 100billion tokens. From this amount, 20billion tokens are going to be utilized for the Tokensale, 15billion tokens are going to be placed solely for the BusinessDevelopment, which of course includes: promotion of the community, Well structured marketing schemes, and lastly Liquidity. 20billion tokens are also going to be launched to act as the Play2earn rewards, while 4million tokens are going to be launched to act as the Play2win rewards.
The payMe service's main goal in the digital world is to develop an independent and an easily accessible empowerment network with liquidity generation protocol ability. It provides an amazing earning opportunity for every single Community member through the play2earn quizzing game along with the competitive quizzing fueled by DeFi or decentralized finance.
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Writer’s Information
Name: Emperor Okpanku
Telegram: @ Emperoruky
Bitcointalk forum Name: Ukyokorie
Bitcointalk profile link
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