Endblock is a decentralised gambling platform that offers various kinds of games such as lottery, a peer-to-peer network and a Reverse Block System. It is an open source, secure and transparent platform enabling users to participate in games, collect rewards, obtain vital information and interact with other players. Endblock is designed to provide users with an enjoyable and secure experience.
Endblock offers a variety of lottery tickets, defi gaming and other gambling activities. The lottery tickets are available in various denominations and prizes. The users can choose to purchase lottery tickets with a flat fee or a percentage of their winnings. The lottery tickets can be purchased in two ways, either through the Endblock website or through an authorized third party. Additionally, users can purchase lottery tickets through the Ethereum blockchain.
Endblock also offers a peer-to-peer network, allowing users to connect with each other and play different games. This network helps users to find other players and interact with them. Furthermore, the Reverse Block System allows users to reset a block counter on the blockchain. This system helps to ensure the fairness of the game and also makes the game more secure.
- Reset Blocks. Play in the MainPool.
To play, first connect your wallet and then reset the blocks in a pool using BNB or any other crypto. This will zero out the blockchain pool’s block counter and transmit your bet to a joint pool. If the counter reaches 0, the last wallet that reset it will win the whole pool. If nobody allows another wallet to win, this could create an infinite loop with enormous sums of money in it and no victor. So, we have implemented a master EndBlock trigger, which implies each pool has an expiration block. When the expiration block is reached, the pool will burst, sending a proportion of the pooled bets to the $Endergy Pool and another portion to a lottery that will distribute the prizes among the participants.
- Reset Blocks. Played in the Main pool
Connect your wallet and start a pool using BNB or another coin to reset the blocks. This will reset the block number for the inverted blockchain pool and send your stake to a shared pool. If the block counter hits 0, the last person to reset it will win the whole pool.
There might be billions of dollars in the pool if no one permits another wallet to win. Therefore each pool now has an expiry block as a result of the EndBlock being set off. When this block is reached, the pool will burst, releasing a portion of the wagers to the Endergy Pool and allocating the remaining to a lottery.
- Reset Block, Mint End
Each time a block is reset, the user’s wallet is credited with a corresponding amount of $END Tokens. The probability of succeeding in either a Pool or a Lottery can be augmented by using $END tokens to reset blocks. In addition, $END token holders can use it to obtain a section of the $Endergy Pool and thus, automatically win digital currencies.
- Burn $End. Play in the MegaPools
The MainPool stakes receive a major part of the bets and with the usage of the $END token, people can partake in the MegaPools. A certain amount of $END is automatically destroyed and the surplus is divided among the EndPools. The last wallet to reset the MegaPool block counter is declared the winner if it reaches zero. There is a time limit for each MegaPool and when it reaches the expiration block, it bursts and sends some of the collected stakes to the Endergy pool while the remainder is given away as various awards to the participants of the pool.
- Reset Blocks, Mint lottery tickets
If the pool reaches its expiration block, a reset block forces the creation of a ticket to be entered in the lottery. This provides everyone with an opportunity to gain one or more of the prizes. Every pool offers lotto tickets.
- Winners
Whenever a person wins, whether it be due to their wallet being the one to reset the blocks before the counter goes back to zero or the pool reached its expiration block with at least one of their tickets being the lottery winner, they will be notified and given a button to receive their prize.
If an individual invites another person to join as their direct affiliate, they can potentially earn 5% of all the betting done by the user. Even so, only 5% of these wallets will be successful. The invited person must sign a blockchain agreement to become an affiliate and will be sent a notification to confirm if the invitation was accepted or rejected. Once this is done, the affiliated wallet will start to get 5% of all their wagers credited to their wallet regardless of when these wagers were placed.
The $END Endblock token was created with a purpose other than trading. It is a utility token designed for use on the platform, and has no set maximum amount in circulation. This token can only be produced by staking real cryptocurrencies such as BNB or ETH when playing. When it is used to reset blocks on the Mega Pools or the End Pools, it is burned. Additionally, it is destroyed when it is used to generate $Endergy. As a result, the amount of this token will generally be scarce.
It Is possible for the token to be listed on any centralized exchange and anyone could create a decentralized pool in a decentralized exchange if they wanted to. Nevertheless, due to its minute supply, it is difficult to add liquidity.
Endblock provides a secure platform for users to participate in gambling activities. It is an innovative platform that is constantly evolving and providing users with a better and more secure experience. Endblock also provides various tools that help users to monitor their gambling activities, such as transaction history, account balance and more. Endblock is a great way for users to enjoy gambling activities without having to worry about the security of their funds.
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Writer’s Information
Name: Emperor Okpanku
Telegram: @ Emperoruky
Bitcointalk forum Name: Gracejoy
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Wallet Address: 0x71bA7B5F69a003a2860359CFe05c828f60CbdD81