Cryptocurrency has really transformed several industries in the course of its emergence today, the gaming industries were not left behind, Individuals have the ability to make their daily transactions faster, more efficiently and secure using cryptocurrency. It doesn’t end there, individuals will be able to utilize their cryptos as a well-structured investment tool and also make gains in return. Today a unique platform called 88token, which has implemented all blockchain technology into the gaming Industries, has emerged.
8Token is an innovative project that has all it takes to transform the gaming industries by providing them a fast and secured payment system. been brought into the digital system to provide these previously identified qualities, this means that carrying out trading and transactions will be more efficient for the users. Individuals can now utilize their 88Token for a lot of activities, like payments and so on.
In 88Token Ecosystems Players, operators, and developers may communicate openly on the 88Token online casino platform thanks to blockchain technology. By utilizing Smart Contracts and Blockchain technology, 88Token is able to provide a totally transparent and cryptographically secure gambling experience. Among the businesses and entities the platform supports are affiliates, gaming solution providers, casino operators, and players. The platform intends to be a "one-stop shop" for all services related to online gambling, including but not limited to games housed on blockchains, bankroll management using smart contracts, data intelligence, integration of crypto payment gateways, and games from leading gaming solution providers.
88token is basically a token built on the BEP 20 or the Binance Network. It was Created to permit fast, safe and affordable payments, while of course coming with its great token benefits. The token was also made in order to facilitate & enable safety when carrying out payments executed inside different casino built games out there for both Bookmakers and players.
As said before, The token can also be utilized by individuals and different gaming networks out there to make payments, and they include, BCgame, Sportsbet.io, Vfun88, and more upcoming platforms.
The 88token has a total supply of 10,000,000,000 Tokens. It will also be available for purchase through the sales.
Efficiency in Gaming Payment Fees
The 88token has also been enabled with an amazing system that allows users or players to predict the scores, thereby gaining points Everytime the prediction is right. Along with this fantastic system, the token provides total efficiency when carrying out fee payments on different gaming ecosystems. And the team promises to sustain such a mechanism while also optimizing the project for a more accurate experience.
Great Advantage for BookMakers
With the launch and application of the 88token as a system for carrying out payment based services along with different advantages, the ecosystem assists bookmakers with attraction of massive players across the gaming world.
Quick, Safe and Seamless
88token really works towards enabling fast transactions for every player involved, this basically means that players can increase their gameplay time by minimizing the duration of the transactions.
The token also proves to be safe and secure, especially since it has been enabled with the Non-custodial wallet system. And finally, 88token proves to be seamless, especially since it’s BEP 20 based. This means that transactions on this chain network are done more swiftly and the processes will also be really accessible.
The 88token also comes with it's own marketplace, which means that this is the perfect spot for users to purchase the 88token in order to carry out there different activities with it as a Holder. The 88token prices are consistently changing, and it all depends on the demand & supply, and also the individual's usage.
It's essential to note that the token also comes with an opportunity to receive huge rewards when token users just hold the token, all this comes with a top notch experience, and entertaining games for every user to participate in.
Q2 - 2022
Develop concept
Build team
Connect KOLs, advisors for incubation
Q3 - 2022
Complete Website, White paper, Pitch deck
Deploy smart contract
Call seed round
Call private round
Connect casino platforms
Q4 - 2022
Achieve 10k holders
Build social communities
List 88Token on PinkSale
Launch world cup predict feature
Become the payment method for currency For VFUN88, SB Casino
Publish smart contract, profit share
Build 88Token casino platform
Q1 - 2023
Achieve 20K holders
Integrate into the system of over 20 major global online casinos
Become the payment method for currency for Bitcasino.io, Sportsbet.io
List 88Token on Huobi
Implement 88Token casino platform beta version with hub88 support
Q2 - 2023
Achieve 30k holders
Live on Bitcasino (The world's largest online casino site)
Launch the official 88Token casino
Implement affiliate system
Q3 - 2023
Achieve 50K holders
Cooperate with all Casinos in Southeast Asia
Become a solution provider for Casinos, build a system for casinos for franchise business
Release mobile version on Google Play and App Store
Q4 - 2023
Achieve 100K holders
List 88Token on Binance
By utilizing the blockchain’s capabilities in online casino gambling, 88Token is transforming the gaming sector. This whitepaper will provide you an insight of how we are developing solutions that ensure that the future of online casino gaming is enjoyable, quick, and fair. We are aware of the reasons why blockchain gaming has not attracted a large audience. Which is main objective of this project
Useful links.
Writer’s Information
Name: Emperor Okpanku
Telegram: @ Emperoruky
Bitcointalk forum Name: Gracejoy
Bitcointalk profile link
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Wallet Address: 0x71bA7B5F69a003a2860359CFe05c828f60CbdD81